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We try to lend a helping hand to as many African children and families in need as possible and to provide them with an efficient, cross-sectoral and sustainable assistance. Beside our projects on the ground, we also organise a number of presentations and programmes in Hungary so that everyone can discover the cultural and natural values of the African continent. We try to reach as great a public as possible, inform it about our work and win over new and new supporters for our cause. You can find updates on our projects and events by surfing the News.

Day of Trees at College Othniel

2014. March 24.

On 21st March 2014, a unique event took place at College Othniel. With the help of our volunteers they attended a celebration – The Day of Trees.

Photos related to the news article

The wonderful moringa tree was the center of the occasion and the students planted two of these next to College Othniel with the help of the teachers and volunteers.
The aim of the event was to promote the plantation of moringa trees which are extremely rich in antioxidants and their leaves and other parts can be used for several things – healing, etc. They gave away free seedlings in the neighborhood as well.
Beside trees, the focus was on students who had achieved the best results in the previous semester. They received anonymous presents. In order to also favor others, sweets were handed out to every student of the school.
The pupils had prepared with poems for the occasion and had danced together cheerfully before teaching started again in the afternoon.

The project is co-funded by the Youth in Action programme of the European Union