This fall the armed conflict in the Eastern parts of Congo has forced several hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians to flee their homes, ending up into dire poverty. The Foundation for Africa is organizing an aid campaign to help the families and children living in the refugee camps of Goma. The campaign allows donors to support refugees with the cost of four packages. The individual sets contain the following:
Personal hygiene pack: shampoo, soap, shower gel, personal hygiene items, cleaners, disinfectants. Price: 3,000HUF/pack.
Food pack: foods rich in calories and vitamins, vitamins, crackers. Price: 3,000HUF/pack.
Clothing pack: a complete adult woman's outfit and one complete child's outfit, or one complete adult man's outfit, and blankets. Price: 4,000HUF/pack.
Medical pack: malaria prophylaxis, bandages, disinfectants, antibiotics. Price: 5,000HUF/pack.
These packs will be purchased in the Democratic Republic of Congo. All of the packs will be provided with a label prepared by the aid organizations, to prove our participation to our Hungarian supporters, as well as that the donations reach their intended refugee camps.
Our goal is to collect at least 1,000 of the above packs, to be able to truly help those in need.
Thank you for your donation!
Hungarian campaign partners:
ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) Hungary
Baptista Szeretetszolgálat ? Hungarian Baptist Aid
Külügyminisztérium ? Department of Foreign Affairs
Magyar Afrika Platform szövetség ? The Hungarian Africa Platform association
C.H.Robinson (will transport donations at no cost)
Congolese campaign partners:
Foundation for Africa Congo (responsible for coordinating and distributing donations)
Monuc (Congo Chapter of the United Nations ? responsible for ensuring the safety of the shipping from Kinshasa to Goma)
ADRA RDC Goma (receipt, distribution and documentation of donations)
In order to facilitate communications, the Hungarian-born Károly Flogny will ensure that the donations reach their target. Mr. Flogny is the delegated supervisor of the Foundation for Africa.