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We try to lend a helping hand to as many African children and families in need as possible and to provide them with an efficient, cross-sectoral and sustainable assistance. Beside our projects on the ground, we also organise a number of presentations and programmes in Hungary so that everyone can discover the cultural and natural values of the African continent. We try to reach as great a public as possible, inform it about our work and win over new and new supporters for our cause. You can find updates on our projects and events by surfing the News.

Visibility Day -Vital treasure: water

2015. December 08.

We spent a wonderful day in the weekend, in terms of celebration of life-giving water, visited by ambassadors of the European Year for Development in Hungary Charles Härtlein and Sena Dagadu. Various exhibitions, entertaining programs, great concerts and instructive experiments waited all day for visitors.

Photos related to the news article

In 2000, the UN member countries have committed to implement the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. That’s why the European Union chose 2015 as the European Year for Development (EYD), in which our Foundation was involved with its project called "Visibility for Everyone". The whole year our goal was to inform as many people about the importance of the institute EYD, to raise awareness for the global water problems and opportunities to solve them. We closed our project Vizibility with a large water ceremony, as well as the European Year for Development. On Sunday the sixth of December in the G3 (Gödör) club we were waiting for the guests in the company of an African Santa Claus, with all-day programs, closing the evening the Momentán Group and the Sena Band entertained the visitors. On the event the essence of water and importance of development were emphasized to hundreds of people who visiting.

France Mutombo Tshimuanga, President of the Foundation and Ilona Tóth, representative of the patronizing Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade jointly opened the event ceremonially. Both drew attention to the importance of water, its proper use and the water problems in Africa. Visitors then enjoyed Abdoul Camara’s impressive water wringing dance and could participate exciting water-themed physics experiments. Families with small children could create in terms of arts and crafts African-themed and Christmas gifts and practice the craft of carrying water by obstacle races. From noon participants could listen to the sensational photo summary performed by Andras Hajdu D., which presented the daily challenges and struggles for water of people in Africa. Later, lectures of the Taita Foundation for Children of African, the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service, the Vikuv Water Drilling Company and our Foundation gave an insight into the challenges and curiosity of Hungarian water management developments in sub-Saharan Africa. In the early afternoon learning the "African water dance" creating a happy mood that caused guests to experience first-hand the importance of beneficial water. As a relaxation visitors were informed about the global water problems and our roles in solving them by an eye-catching lecture called "water in yourself!" performed by Kata Molnar, water policy specialist. In addition, during the event several exhibitors, including the African Cultural Foundation, Friends of the Danube Museum Association, the Protective Association and the Metropolitan Waterworks also gave important information those who interested in water issues in Africa. Besides, the Visual World Foundation brought to life a wonderful picture drawing of the winner of a drawing contest announced by the State Department, in which drastic differences between developed and developing countries were authentically depicted.

By afternoon Gödör Club was completely full. Momentán Company’s production supplied the theme this time Africa and water attracted hundreds of guests. They presented this difficult topic to audience by games, on the spot improvised songs and entertainment comedy. By the end of the lecture the audience is completely dissolved, however, they have became richer in very important information. Relaxation and awareness-raising, it was the motto of the performance.

In the end came the high light of the celebration, Sena dagadu, Ghanaian-Hungarian singer and ambassador of the European Year for Development in Hungary, who gave with her band an unforgettable concert. The atmosphere was fantastic, already the whole day hard-working volunteers relaxed between the rows of the audience. After the unforgettable party at the end of the day France Mutombo and Sena jointly Random drew the winners of the water quiz who got rich wonderful African gift items.