
Current events

We try to lend a helping hand to as many African children and families in need as possible and to provide them with an efficient, cross-sectoral and sustainable assistance. Beside our projects on the ground, we also organise a number of presentations and programmes in Hungary so that everyone can discover the cultural and natural values of the African continent. We try to reach as great a public as possible, inform it about our work and win over new and new supporters for our cause. You can find updates on our projects and events by surfing the News.

School Roadshow

2015. December 23.

In autumn we and Taita Foundation visited four cities, the students there played and talked about Africa and the development. It was a pleasure to hear their honest questions, to see their sparkling eyes and discover their creative artworks.

Photos related to the news article

Did you know that in the developing countries women and children spend about 6 hours carrying water on a daily bases? Did you know that millions of people are working in the international development to reduce this number? Did you know that you can also help? In the last few months we asked children in Hungary in four different cities, these questiones.

Within the framework of our ’Vízibility for Everyone’ project, we and Taita Foundation visited children in Fehérvárcsurgó, Kaposvár, Makó and Szeged and talked about the development, the school building, and the way the Orphanage works.

More than 300 children from the four cities got to know the plant life and animal life, hydrography and geography of Africa, everyday life of Congolese and Kenyan children, activity of the two foundations and the importance of water.

Children of Fehérvárcsurgó’s school were waiting for us with their self-made paintings, then we were watching a movie together and finished the day with face painting. Children in Kaposvár enjoyed the Fair Trade game the most: teams had to choose a country and play that they give and buy their products. In Makó two classes got to know the operations and targets of Foundation for Africa and Taita Foundation. In Szeged students learned about the problems in Africa, the possible solutions and of course the possibilities to help and join the development.

We believe that knowledge is the key of development. We would like to approach to an open-mind and tolerant society. World processes are interacting with global challenges. Water shortage, climate change or consequences of inequality – we feel their effects on our own skin.

For more information on water, click this link, learn more about Hungarian water developments and join us.

Thanks to Taita Foundation for the cooperation.