Current events
We try to lend a helping hand to as many African children and families in need as possible and to provide them with an efficient, cross-sectoral and sustainable assistance. Beside our projects on the ground, we also organise a number of presentations and programmes in Hungary so that everyone can discover the cultural and natural values of the African continent. We try to reach as great a public as possible, inform it about our work and win over new and new supporters for our cause. You can find updates on our projects and events by surfing the News.
Volunteer possibility in Congo
2009. November 04.
We had a chance to present an open application to receive volunteers in Congo in the EVS program.
Photos related to the news article
The application will be sent to the European Commission in February. Application is open we are waiting for anyone interested, 18-30 years old, who would spend a year (from October 2010-April 2011) at the branch office of the foundation in Congo. We are looking for helpers for the school and orphanage who would give a hand in the tutoring of the children, doing hygienic prevention activities, building the information technology system and teaching the basics of information technology. French speakers have priority during the selection.
You can learn more about this program on our website ( in the „Projects” heading or you can dial 20/772-2279 or 1/332-1054 for more information. Our email address: