
Photo gallery

Looking at our gallery, you may have a glimpse at our everyday life. We show you our daily routines, how we work and with whom we work and what the conditions are like. You can get to know Africa’s enchanted world, the pains and pleasures of its people. This is where we tell you all that we couldn’t express with words.

Picture gallery - Pictures of the Opening Ceremony of the School in Ngamanzo

The Opening Ceremony In the classroom during the speeches the Hungarian sponsor civic dignitaries and other guests During the official opening: Mr. Béres, France Mutombo and several dignitaries Mr. Béres is practicing his speech in Linguana The children contributed to the Opening Ceremony
VIPs The children enjoy their new classrooms. The pupils have arrived well before the Opening Ceremony. The UN representatives attending the Opening Ceremony The speech of France Mutombo Tshimuanga - President of the Foundation - during the Opening Ceremony
Teachers of the School Our Students Children during the Ceremony The last instructions for the young helpers before the Opening Ceremony A spot of trouble just before the Grand Opening - the yard needs to be cleared.
Final preparations just before the Opening Ceremony. Future football star A reminder : The Old School