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Call for Application of the Afrikáért Foundation – EVS Group Volunteer Possibility in Congo

befejezett project

The Afrikáért Foundation announces its volunteer delegating project for the Democratic Republic of Congo which will be accomplished in the programme of the European Commission’s European Voluntary Service. The project makes for the young persons aged 18-30 years possible to know Africa, to get work and volunteer experiences in a developing country out of Europe and to contribute to the assuring of education and upbringing of the School-aged Congolese children and orphans and to the improving of their moderate life circumstances. Depending on the number of the applicants the Foundation plans to send foreseeable 5-7 volunteers. The time of the Community voluntary programme is six months and the planned date of the leave is the middle or the End of October 2010 (adjusting to the time of the School year).

The Afrikáért Foundation announces its volunteer delegating project for the Democratic Republic of Congo which will be accomplished in the programme of the European Commission's European Voluntary Service. The project makes for the young persons aged 18-30 years possible to know Africa, to get work and volunteer experiences in a developing country out of Europe and to contribute to the assuring of education and upbringing of the School-aged Congolese children and orphans and to the improving of their moderate life circumstances. Depending on the number of the applicants the Foundation plans to send foreseeable 5-7 volunteers. The time of the Community voluntary programme is six months and the planned date of the leave is the middle or the End of October 2010 (adjusting to the time of the School year).


We wait volunteers for the next scope of duties


2 social assistants for the La Providence Orphanage (French knowledge)


Ÿ   Organisation of lessons for skill development and training - educating lessons (creative handicraft, singing, group plays and so on).

Ÿ   Organisation and arrangement of spare time activities (excursions, plays)

Ÿ   Help in the everyday life and general ‘Home tasks' for example with doing the rooms, bathing, meals, gardening, etc.

Ÿ   If it's necessary contribution to the administrative tasks or donation organising


1-2 computer specialists in the Othniel primary and secondary school (French knowledge is preferred).


Ÿ   Maintenance of the School Information system at the Othniel College

Ÿ   Development and servicing of the informational cabinet

Ÿ   Organisation of primary level informational training for students and teachers of the school


One trainer of English knowledge


Ÿ   Organisation of English afternoon lessons at the Othniel College and La Providence Orphanage

Ÿ   Remedial Teaching courses out of the lessons


1-2 remedial volunteers (French knowledge)


Ÿ   Afternoon remedial teachings: joining of the children lagged behind in the learning (for example mathematics, writing - reading)


1-2 volunteers with Medical qualification and French knowledge


Ÿ   Transmission of health knowledge for the students of the school and the children of the orphanage

Ÿ   Assistance in the city health projects of the Afrikáért Foundation

Ÿ   Distribution of medicines

Ÿ   Organisation of health day programmes

Ÿ   Organisation of Preventive programmes


Depending on the experiences, knowledge and skills of the volunteer he or she can join to


Ÿ   The Transmission of the agricultural fundamentals

Ÿ   The teach of needlework and

Ÿ   handicraft fundamentals

Ÿ   The activity for art and cultural development (music, graphics, painting, writing).


The planned timetable of the project


1)      Registering time: 2009-12-20 (Sunday) 24 hrs

2)      The delegating Organisation selects and informs the travelling volunteers - 2010-01-08 (Friday)

3)      The delegating and receiving Organisation as well the volunteers altogether put in the EVS application to the European Commission till 2010-02-01 (the European Commission covers the project costs)

4)      Answer About the result of the Application and the supports can be waited in April 2010.


In a case of a successful application


5)      July - October 2010 - preparation of the leaving volunteers

6)      Middle - End October 2010 - travel to Congo

7)      Middle - End April 2011 - coming Home

8)      Mai - April 2011 - Close and evaluation of the project


About the European Voluntary Service


The goal of the European Voluntary Service is to support the participation of the young persons in the voluntary social activities in Europe and out of Europe. The time of the voluntary service the young people will have a share in an intensive learning process, they can know an another country and culture and to develop so themselves and their personalities.


The EVS project will be realised in the subprogram ‘Youth-in-Action' of the European Voluntary Service. The EVS programme makes for accredited organisations with European centres possible to send volunteers individually or in groups into the developing countries out of Europe short or long term.


The expenses of the voluntary programme and the rate and the ways of the supports


The Youth-in-Action programme finances the 100 % of the fare, insurance and visa as well it determines global and frame sums for the arrangement of the project the supply and the pocket money of the volunteers. So with a successful application the supports of the European Commission covers the costs of the outward and inward journeys, those of insurance, lodgings and meals, preparations (for example getting of necessary vaccinations) and provide pocket money the time of the project for the lower expenses.


Delegating, receiving and co-operating organisations take part in the project. The delegating and receiving organisations agree with the volunteer about the next questions : working time, days off in a week, meals and lodging, local traffic and so on.


Delegating organisation: Afrikáért Foundation



The Afrikáért Foundation does developmental and supportive activity in the areas of social affairs and health in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It created and maintains the Othniel Primary and Secondary School and the Orphanage La Providence in the capital Kinshasa. Besides it supports some metropolitan and rural Medical centres and equips them with medicines, instruments as well it arranges programmes for hospital development in the country. In Hungary it presents the African culture in forms of global education, tolerance and documentary developing lessons and cultural programmes.


The main tasks of the delegating organisation are the next ones:


Ÿ   Agrees with the receiving organisation about the details of the future volunteer service (the beginning and the end of the service, man-hours, lodging, traffic and so on).

Ÿ   It hands an application with the receiving organisation and the volunteer for covering of the costs of the voluntary service.

Ÿ   It looks after that the volunteer should take part in the so called pre-start training.

Ÿ   Depending on the personnel demands it provides an appropriate preparation for the volunteer in front of the setting out.

Ÿ   It contacts the volunteer and the receiving organisation the time of the project (telephone or e-mail).

Ÿ   Having come home the organisation helps the volunteer with the re-integration eventually using his new knowledge, it brings him in its work or asks him to make his experiences popular.

Ÿ   It makes final evaluation about the results and lessons of the project with the volunteer.


The receiving organisation: Foundation pour l'Afrique - Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo


The Foundation pour l'Afrique was registered as a Congolese local office res. partner organisation of the Afrikáért Foundation in 2004. It operates the Othniel Primary and Secondary School for 1200 pupils and the Orphanage La Providence in one of the poorest parts of the Congolese capital, Kinshasa. The school was the starting point of the foundation's activity and with the orphanage one of the cornerstones of the planned social and educational children' centre. Thorough Africa it is a problem that the state doesn't support teachings of the children. The situation is similar in Congo, on average four of ten school-aged children go to school only. One of the main goals of the Foundation is to provide the availability to the appropriate education because it establishes the chances of a safer living for the coming generation.


More information about the delegating and receiving organisation on the homepage


More about the EVS on the Mobility (Mobilitás) and on the homepage of the European Commission


The conditions of the application are the next ones


Ÿ   Filling in the application form

Ÿ   Age 18-30 years

Ÿ   Depending on the appreciated scope of tasks knowledge of French and / or English, stable Primary and middle level verbal and written (the French is preferred)

Ÿ   The qualification and the studies to the scope of tasks in progress mean an advantage

Ÿ   Interesting in the foreign but first of all African cultures and openness

Ÿ   High level flexibility and acceptance

Ÿ   Suitability for independent work and readiness to make initiatives

Ÿ   Physical stability

Ÿ   Acceptance of the harder work and life circumstances (for example blackout, warm tropical weather, hygienic conditions under the European level and so on).


The schedule of the selection


For the applicants selected after the prior selection we held an informative group meeting where we outline the details of the project, the circumstances of the Congolese living out and the other necessary instructions respectively we answer the incidental Questions. For the applicants with the intention to take part in the project we organise a Personal meeting and we survey the aptitude (skills, knowledge res. foreign language skills), and the motivation of the applicant in 1-2 weeks after the informative meeting. About the result of the interview we inform the candidates by phone and in letter.


The way of the application


The filling in of the application form and its returning till midnight 2009-12-20 (Sunday) on the e-mail address on the name of Éva Hegedűs with the subject ‘Application onto the EVS voluntary project'.


Application form can be required on the e-mail address or at the office of the Foundation (1054, Budapest, Garibaldi út 3. II/1a.)


The another questions relating to the project can be put on the telephone numbers 06-1-332-1054 or 20 / 772-2279 res. On the e-mail address .


Application term 24 hours - 2009-12-20 (Sunday)

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