Please read the summary of our projects. In case you wish to support any of the projects click on the „support“ button at the end of the summary.
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Education and social centre for children - Ethiopia
befejezett project
Project details to follow shortly
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The container of donations is about to leave!
2009. February 20.
On February 26, 2009 at 2pm, we will send the aid shipment along its way in a festive environment. More information
Charity Campaign for Children and their Families Fleeing the War in Congo.
2008. December 24.
In December of 2008, the Foundation for Africa, in cooperation with the ADRA aid organization and the Baptist Aid Service, has started a nationwide fundraising campaign to help support the refugees of the civil war in Eastern Congo. More information
We opened the first Hungarian-Congolese school in Kinshasa!
2006. September 14.
We are happy to inform you that we held our ribbon cutting ceremony of the first, 8-classroom part of the new building in Othaniel Primary and High School on September 14, 2006, as planned. The celebration was attended by Congolese functionaries and by several Hungarian donors, as well. More information
Galleries View the photos of the projects
Ambo the Old Building

Ambo the New Building