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Humanitarian Schools and Students for Africa (Humanitáriánus Iskolák és Diákok Afrikáért, HID)
folyamatban project

A bridge over the cultures
This program targets to provide a virtual bridge between the students of the two continent, on one hand it is introducing the less know African culture and traditions to the Hungarian students and on the other it introduces Hungary to the Africans, in this way creating and interactive conversation what may lead to the establishment of partnerships among the schools by for instance celebrating international days, or conducting video conferences.
Who are we?
The Foundation for Africa is present since 2002 in Hungary. In Africa our main objective is to carry out developments in the field of health and education while in Hungary we raise awareness of the global issues.
During the past 10 years we have collaborated with more than 150 Hungarian institutions which included cultural lectures, presentations and the organization of Africa related activities.
I. The goal of the program
A bridge over the cultures
The program targets to provide a virtual bridge between the students of the two continents by creating interactive conversation and encouraging the establishment of new partnerships and partner schools.
H-idea – helping is a privilege
This program is also meant to give an opportunity to the students in the eradication of global issues according to their abilities. With the help of their innovative ideas, active participation, charity events, they can contribute to the success of the so called H-Idea, a project, selected in advance, in Africa, what aims to the increase of the wellbeing of African students and their families and also support the environment they live in. This enables the students to leave a permanent footprint in this long process.
Openness, tolerance, global awareness
Our previous experiences proved us that the understanding and handling the problems of other countries are making the students more sensitive towards their local community.
Our participants broadened their views, they increased their global awareness and their tolerance skills improved not only towards the African matters but also to the other nations’ and to their Hungarian community.
As students are going to work together on the projects it requires cooperation with others, there is also a great opportunity to bring the community together and develop skills, such as teamwork, communication skills etc.
II. What is the H-idea? (Humanitarian idea)
The students invent an event (theatre play, concert, exhibition, fair, etc) what helps them to raise funds for their chosen goal.
In case an institution would like to join, but they don’t know how to begin, what to do, the Foundation for Africa helps to choose an idea what suits the institution the best, which can be freely passed to other institutions. The institutions have a chance to create their own mini-project or choose one from our list and for the same project more than one school can be assigned.
Students will also provide help in the technical parts, such as maintaining the web site of the program, translations, etc.
The Foundation for Africa takes responsibility of the monitoring and logistics of the funds and guarantees that it will arrive to the selected destination.
During the project schools will also have a chance to establish partnerships with the African schools, and students from the two countries can discuss global terms, (like human rights, democracy, or climate change)
The students will be in the center of this program as with their innovative ideas they will contribute to the achievement of these humanitarian goals.
Online registration form here
More details about HID Program here
Foundation for Africa
Address: 1054 Budapest, Garibaldi Street 3, II/1/a, Email:
, Tel./Fax 06/1/332-1054, 0620/772229, website:,
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