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Visiting tours in Africa

Co-workers of the Foundation for Africa visit the institutions and control the functioning of the local agency on the premises in the DRC twice a year. Our regular duties and work we have completed during our stay over the years:
- Assessing needs and projects; contacting our institutions and co-workers. Ad hoc humanitarian projects eg.: distributing clothing in the country, distributing medicine at the Mondial Clinic. Registering the Foundation for Africa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, opening local agency and office. Visiting and improving the supported institutions. Organizing HIV / AIDS prevention, development projects and state of health surveys in the country. Distribution of gifts and aid transports. Planning and controlling the administrative and logistical base for the orphan and student support program and escorting the crew of RTL Klub television channel.
- Buying a building site for the new school building, preparing for the construction, laying the foundation stone, starting the construction. Finding sponsors, orientation, networking in tendering in the DRC. Delievering and distributing gifts, school equipment, and paints. Escorting documentary crew and supporters.
- Controlling the construction of the school building, further allowances, discounts and support from building contractors. Visiting the institutions supported by the Foundation, teaching at the school. Teaching and applying the Hungarian administrative system in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Supervising projects in the country.
- Networking with the Congolese authorities, ministries, international organizations, companies, individual supporters involved in the work of the Foundation. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Rural Development (the Ministry’s representative who is responsible for the program, is also a co-worker of the United Nations’ Association of NGOs – ANU – in the DRC.); Ministry of Planning, Vice President’s Office, Vodacom telecommunications company which has been actively supporting educational institutions for years. We have collected information for new projects, renovating schools in villages, effecting management of healthcare and water supply problems in the region, preparation of the film shot by TV2 channel during the last week of our journey, which presents the Adopt me program in the DRC as a result of the cooperation between the Baptist Aid Service and the Foundation for Africa and gives a portray of the country.
- HUMANITARIAN TOURISM organizing tours, accomplishing humanitarian mini-projects in teamwork, leading Congolese co-workers, checking up.